2024 RPAC Auction Item Reporting

Thank you for your interest in contributing a "silent" or "live" auction item to this year's "Let's Par-Tee!" RPAC Fundraising Auction!  

Please fill out the form COMPLETELY for EACH item you plan to donate.  If you are donating one item, you can leave the "Auction Item #2" questions blank.  Thank you!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 937-335-8501 or meganwise@moarrealtors.com

Thank you so much for your generous donation!

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Please provide a description of the auction item you plan to donate.

Please provide an approximate monetary value of the auction item #1 that you plan to donate.

Please provide a description of the auction item you plan to donate.

Please provide an approximate monetary value of the auction item #1 that you plan to donate.